Read partial dataΒΆ
When you are dealing with huge amount of data, obviously you would not like to fill up your memory with those data. Here is a the feature to support pagination of your data.
Let’s assume the following file is a huge csv file:
>>> import datetime
>>> from pyexcel_io import save_data
>>> data = [
... [1, 21, 31],
... [2, 22, 32],
... [3, 23, 33],
... [4, 24, 34],
... [5, 25, 35],
... [6, 26, 36]
... ]
>>> save_data("your_file.csv", data)
And let’s pretend to read partial data:
>>> from pyexcel_io import get_data
>>> data = get_data("your_file.csv", start_row=2, row_limit=3)
>>> data['your_file.csv']
[[3, 23, 33], [4, 24, 34], [5, 25, 35]]
And you could as well do the same for columns:
>>> data = get_data("your_file.csv", start_column=1, column_limit=2)
>>> data['your_file.csv']
[[21, 31], [22, 32], [23, 33], [24, 34], [25, 35], [26, 36]]
Obvious, you could do both at the same time:
>>> data = get_data("your_file.csv",
... start_row=2, row_limit=3,
... start_column=1, column_limit=2)
>>> data['your_file.csv']
[[23, 33], [24, 34], [25, 35]]
The pagination support is available across all pyexcel-io plugins.